
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156077824
2.   CN 5341795
3.   NL 3783975
4.   CA 3237213
5.   US 2796334
6.   RU 1093895
7.   FR 1072371
8.   IN 932173
9.   DE 789856
10.   BG 600237
11.   VN 526109
12.   GB 507729
13.   RS 441594
14.   HK 422563
15.   BD 336046
Most abused passwords
1. admin 714292
2. password 688773
3. abc123 688591
4. password1 675775
5. info 662500
6. a1b2c3d4 653581
7. passwd 651326
8. admin123 643206
9. 666666 639863
10. p@55w0rd 625395
11. admin1 624978
12. default 622342
13. administrator 619228
14. demo 618188
15. contact 617421