
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156043890
2.   IR 59882985
3.   CN 4891027
4.   NL 4126259
5.   CA 3139187
6.   US 2789810
7.   RU 1046143
8.   DE 1039540
9.   CZ 884416
10.   IN 845744
11.   FR 729113
12.   HK 631933
13.   BG 583815
14.   RS 485024
15.   VN 452155
Most abused passwords
1. password 4692507
2. 123 3385934
3. 123456 3376380
4. 12345 3374312
5. 1234567890 3324487
6. 123456789 3272069
7. 1234 3233415
8. 1 2703647
9. admin 729802
10. 12345678 728398
11. 1234567 725959
12. 123123 722729
13. abc123 689544
14. 123qwe 685208
15. 1qaz2wsx 672905