
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 166736741
2.   RO 146787134
3.   CN 4443557
4.   US 3541773
5.   NL 3444913
6.   CA 2776688
7.   DE 1174234
8.   FR 988489
9.   HK 870171
10.   CZ 865418
11.   IN 808716
12.   RU 786847
13.   BG 611872
14.   VN 400133
15.   KR 377848
Most abused passwords
1. password 9474341
2. 1234567890 8323633
3. 123456 8320101
4. 123 8303359
5. 1 8281134
6. 123456789 8115944
7. 12345 8113826
8. 1234 7933314
9. test123 776746
10. user 775406
11. testuser 764550
12. teste 764191
13. testing123 761285
14. testing 761117
15. webmaster 759175