
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 154425344
2.   IR 44102475
3.   CN 4902063
4.   US 4778922
5.   NL 3745587
6.   CA 2093073
7.   DE 1072416
8.   SG 996801
9.   FR 967705
10.   RU 782967
11.   IN 767123
12.   BG 602785
13.   HK 436625
14.   KR 377297
15.   LT 376353
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 2648578
2. 1234 2249037
3. 12345 2244796
4. 123 2226374
5. 123456789 2147339
6. password 2147299
7. 1234567890 2068279
8. 1 2000877
9. P@ssw0rd1 874680
10. P@ssw0rd12 874666
11. P@ssw0rd1234 873489
12. qwerty123 869616
13. service 861334
14. qweasdzxc 859316
15. test!@# 851294