
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156000098
2.   CN 5409440
3.   NL 3405338
4.   CA 3198852
5.   US 2798678
6.   FR 1102476
7.   RU 1099463
8.   IN 950779
9.   DE 821758
10.   BG 616143
11.   GB 524338
12.   VN 522210
13.   HK 422428
14.   RS 391742
15.   BD 349228
Most abused passwords
1. admin 709964
2. help 695568
3. password 689698
4. password1 682491
5. abc123 679409
6. info 654019
7. admin123 646025
8. passwd 642694
9. p@55w0rd 625429
10. admin1 624686
11. default 623601
12. administrator 620507
13. demo 618053
14. contact 617545
15. asdfgh 617483