
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156011237
2.   CN 5385135
3.   NL 3515187
4.   CA 3210688
5.   US 2802519
6.   RU 1094034
7.   FR 1091681
8.   IN 944897
9.   DE 813543
10.   BG 622810
11.   VN 521742
12.   GB 520079
13.   HK 425015
14.   RS 405239
15.   BD 346147
Most abused passwords
1. admin 710024
2. password 690591
3. abc123 682875
4. password1 680291
5. info 656898
6. passwd 645655
7. admin123 645203
8. p@55w0rd 625262
9. admin1 624709
10. default 623632
11. administrator 620793
12. demo 618037
13. contact 617497
14. asdfgh 617466
15. adm 617235