
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 154020890
2.   CN 4966097
3.   US 3376245
4.   CA 3052334
5.   NL 2648088
6.   DE 1490023
7.   BG 1087351
8.   IN 990834
9.   RU 691186
10.   GB 670928
11.   VN 475402
12.   HK 426803
13.   KR 392238
14.   LT 366693
15.   BR 332255
Most abused passwords
1. Pa$$word 695887
2. Pa$$word1 685621
3. Password22 685034
4. test 637701
5. qwerty 632997
6. p@ssw0rd 631787
7. P@ssw0rd 622541
8. qwerty123 610534
9. qwerty123456 609799
10. postmaster 609139
11. user 606712
12. qwe123 604044
13. q1w2e3r4 603640
14. postmaster123 603543
15. sales 603477