
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156187372
2.   IR 44333615
3.   CN 4955586
4.   NL 4161797
5.   CA 3171298
6.   US 2818509
7.   RU 1061589
8.   DE 1015649
9.   CZ 885824
10.   IN 853805
11.   FR 732834
12.   HK 597608
13.   BG 564346
14.   RS 489540
15.   VN 454853
Most abused passwords
1. password 4014781
2. 123456 2685601
3. 12345 2668184
4. 1234567890 2590243
5. 123456789 2557022
6. 1234 2552839
7. 123 2053767
8. 1 1967387
9. 12345678 730953
10. admin 728194
11. 1234567 724481
12. abc123 688815
13. 123qwe 686343
14. 1qaz2wsx 674679
15. 1q2w3e4r 661639