
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 151950991
2.   IR 122785630
3.   CN 4708470
4.   NL 4213546
5.   CA 3023856
6.   US 2990580
7.   DE 1043321
8.   RU 1032478
9.   CZ 877698
10.   IN 846253
11.   FR 789128
12.   HK 755447
13.   BG 627657
14.   VN 450828
15.   GB 398246
Most abused passwords
1. password 7429720
2. 1234567890 6410389
3. 1 6387529
4. 123 6303463
5. 123456 6195591
6. 12345 6186795
7. 123456789 6134113
8. 1234 5934193
9. admin 735429
10. 12345678 729170
11. 1234567 722174
12. 123123 717092
13. abc123 687586
14. 123qwe 667310
15. 1qaz2wsx 665388