
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 155517010
2.   CN 5442029
3.   CA 3192457
4.   US 3152150
5.   NL 2702697
6.   DE 1094657
7.   FR 1066882
8.   RU 1033608
9.   IN 1021269
10.   BG 752756
11.   GB 562888
12.   VN 518747
13.   HK 446415
14.   CH 364806
15.   BD 357991
Most abused passwords
1. Pa55word 700306
2. Pa$$word 696023
3. help 695655
4. Pass123 687177
5. Pa$$word1 685621
6. Password22 685042
7. password 683762
8. password1 680622
9. p@ssw0rd 635804
10. p@55w0rd 634248
11. info 629855
12. P@ssw0rd 625598
13. default 623331
14. contact 619056
15. passwd 618987