
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156032776
2.   CN 5365725
3.   NL 3620585
4.   CA 3221212
5.   US 2804482
6.   RU 1092123
7.   FR 1083443
8.   IN 942101
9.   DE 807941
10.   BG 614330
11.   VN 517787
12.   GB 516434
13.   HK 425081
14.   RS 418574
15.   BD 343291
Most abused passwords
1. admin 711138
2. password 689642
3. abc123 685518
4. password1 679273
5. info 659736
6. passwd 648484
7. admin123 644387
8. p@55w0rd 625177
9. admin1 624854
10. default 622998
11. administrator 620391
12. demo 618161
13. contact 617492
14. asdfgh 617368
15. adm 617232