
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 155161622
2.   CN 5378773
3.   US 3301000
4.   CA 3133167
5.   NL 2581961
6.   DE 1146377
7.   RU 1027314
8.   IN 1010759
9.   FR 947032
10.   BG 851734
11.   GB 587961
12.   VN 531591
13.   HK 445023
14.   KR 348081
15.   BR 336145
Most abused passwords
1. Pa55word 700303
2. Pa$$word 696001
3. Pass123 687174
4. Pa$$word1 685621
5. Password22 685039
6. password 669854
7. password1 663879
8. p@ssw0rd 635034
9. p@55w0rd 633676
10. info 627852
11. P@ssw0rd 623960
12. passwd 619558
13. P@55w0rd 618640
14. pass123 617898
15. noreply 615072