
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 154101255
2.   CN 4996304
3.   US 3372599
4.   CA 3043016
5.   NL 2632699
6.   DE 1498212
7.   BG 1101157
8.   IN 992717
9.   RU 680672
10.   GB 659748
11.   VN 490305
12.   HK 434941
13.   KR 394174
14.   LT 366261
15.   FR 348249
Most abused passwords
1. Pa$$word 695887
2. Pa$$word1 685621
3. Password22 685034
4. password1 648545
5. test 638228
6. qwerty 633058
7. p@ssw0rd 631968
8. P@ssw0rd 622252
9. qwerty123 610396
10. qwerty123456 609980
11. postmaster 609175
12. user 607392
13. qwe123 604058
14. test1 603954
15. Password1 603914