
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 154580645
2.   CN 5234880
3.   US 3441324
4.   CA 3038031
5.   NL 2644632
6.   DE 1149747
7.   BG 1017505
8.   IN 1014021
9.   RU 729789
10.   GB 632468
11.   FR 567843
12.   VN 535154
13.   HK 461999
14.   KR 371403
15.   BR 334116
Most abused passwords
1. Pa55word 700304
2. Pa$$word 696080
3. Pass123 687173
4. Pa$$word1 685621
5. Password22 685038
6. password 677180
7. password1 655777
8. p@ssw0rd 634829
9. p@55w0rd 634203
10. qwerty 628401
11. P@ssw0rd 622405
12. P@55w0rd 618627
13. pass123 617976
14. passwd 615870
15. office123 610149