
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 155409371
2.   CN 5427010
3.   US 3208734
4.   CA 3187118
5.   NL 2692882
6.   DE 1113523
7.   FR 1042388
8.   RU 1032907
9.   IN 1017864
10.   BG 773106
11.   GB 575670
12.   VN 520731
13.   HK 449792
14.   CH 361055
15.   BR 354639
Most abused passwords
1. Pa55word 700306
2. Pa$$word 695975
3. help 695668
4. Pass123 687177
5. Pa$$word1 685621
6. Password22 685042
7. password1 678537
8. password 672455
9. p@ssw0rd 635504
10. p@55w0rd 633994
11. info 629835
12. P@ssw0rd 625488
13. default 623400
14. passwd 620362
15. P@55w0rd 618670