
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156332815
2.   IR 13109226
3.   CN 5068249
4.   NL 4162874
5.   CA 3208482
6.   US 2808020
7.   RU 1066477
8.   DE 1012407
9.   CZ 882461
10.   IN 861828
11.   FR 758831
12.   BG 550430
13.   HK 543602
14.   RS 499167
15.   VN 472151
Most abused passwords
1. password 2654414
2. 1234567890 1117614
3. 123456789 1104963
4. 12345678 734172
5. 1234567 727120
6. admin 725680
7. 123456 712148
8. abc123 689299
9. 123qwe 681172
10. 1qaz2wsx 672877
11. 1q2w3e4r 660767
12. info 658783
13. a1b2c3d4 654072
14. 666666 651030
15. admin123 644731