
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 135367914
2.   RO 80556862
3.   CN 12316529
4.   US 4723878
5.   DE 2854445
6.   KZ 1261038
7.   MY 1230064
8.   IN 1156187
9.   RU 857080
10.   BG 851786
11.   GB 832362
12.   HK 817567
13.   JP 604112
14.   IR 562541
15.   KR 503998
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 426627
2. 1234 228596
3. 12345 215536
4. abc@1234 192947
5. !Q2w#E4r 191360
6. Qw123456 190713
7. As123456 190693
8. 123!@#abcABC 190690
9. 123 186883
10. password 128765
11. admin 127934
12. p@ssw0rd! 124081
13. pass@123 118782
14. Aa123456 117842
15. pass123$ 116121