
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156010346
2.   IR 65206396
3.   CN 4863441
4.   NL 4119936
5.   CA 3133791
6.   US 2775001
7.   DE 1065594
8.   RU 1038603
9.   CZ 884478
10.   IN 847913
11.   FR 734460
12.   HK 641788
13.   BG 588205
14.   RS 483949
15.   VN 453497
Most abused passwords
1. password 4928584
2. 123 3637521
3. 12345 3615212
4. 123456 3612501
5. 1234567890 3576942
6. 123456789 3515804
7. 1234 3463816
8. 1 2959345
9. admin 730673
10. 12345678 726834
11. 1234567 724783
12. 123123 722566
13. abc123 689214
14. 123qwe 684445
15. 1qaz2wsx 672160