
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 153471944
2.   IR 117627828
3.   CN 4733024
4.   NL 4209967
5.   CA 3024746
6.   US 2954347
7.   DE 1073463
8.   RU 1034753
9.   CZ 878114
10.   IN 846375
11.   FR 782417
12.   HK 742676
13.   BG 625163
14.   VN 451415
15.   GB 401777
Most abused passwords
1. password 7204808
2. 1234567890 6155074
3. 1 6134626
4. 123 6069041
5. 123456 5964179
6. 12345 5958112
7. 123456789 5896662
8. 1234 5710371
9. admin 736072
10. 12345678 729341
11. 1234567 722418
12. 123123 717879
13. abc123 688149
14. 123qwe 669800
15. 1qaz2wsx 666261