
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 166739133
2.   RO 146581691
3.   CN 4458077
4.   NL 3428798
5.   US 3344132
6.   CA 2813325
7.   DE 1131412
8.   RU 1006007
9.   FR 956568
10.   CZ 871936
11.   HK 842219
12.   IN 811465
13.   BG 602433
14.   VN 411517
15.   KR 382888
Most abused passwords
1. password 9456827
2. 1234567890 8320180
3. 123 8312269
4. 123456 8303992
5. 1 8282248
6. 123456789 8116251
7. 12345 8107244
8. 1234 7940011
9. user 775965
10. testuser 764576
11. webmaster 758911
12. webmaster1 756866
13. webmaster123 751366
14. xerox 746116
15. x1x2x3x4 744951