
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156350605
2.   IR 7856556
3.   CN 5099003
4.   NL 4147818
5.   CA 3210621
6.   US 2810457
7.   RU 1057406
8.   DE 1010528
9.   CZ 882429
10.   IN 862403
11.   FR 786112
12.   BG 546799
13.   HK 535030
14.   RS 500467
15.   VN 479206
Most abused passwords
1. password 2421544
2. 1234567890 870860
3. 123456789 863153
4. 12345678 736408
5. admin 725531
6. abc123 689271
7. 123qwe 681885
8. 1qaz2wsx 672932
9. 1q2w3e4r 660782
10. info 658758
11. a1b2c3d4 654004
12. 666666 651015
13. admin123 644810
14. 555555 633660
15. 1q2w3e 632676