
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 135808318
2.   RO 85467586
3.   CN 12286523
4.   US 4714764
5.   DE 2839072
6.   KZ 1154751
7.   IN 1148757
8.   MY 1129713
9.   RU 901327
10.   BG 840038
11.   GB 827896
12.   HK 776243
13.   JP 612878
14.   IR 549563
15.   BR 521978
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 416584
2. 1234 225887
3. 12345 212091
4. abc@1234 192896
5. !Q2w#E4r 191360
6. As123456 190693
7. 123!@#abcABC 190690
8. 123 189786
9. p@55w0rd 129852
10. test@123 128235
11. password 124887
12. admin 124459
13. p@ssw0rd! 124081
14. Aa123456 121818
15. pass@123 118687