
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 168470342
2.   CN 4710661
3.   US 2759880
4.   NL 2657777
5.   FR 1632992
6.   DE 1223061
7.   CA 1162622
8.   SG 1122848
9.   BG 966227
10.   UA 680189
11.   TR 658675
12.   IN 652258
13.   RU 560129
14.   GB 496619
15.   PL 493699
Most abused passwords
1. P@55w0rd1 916478
2. Password123 908280
3. Password1 907758
4. Password01 902881
5. password 893361
6. noreply 888506
7. password1 887068
8. default 882799
9. info 862349
10. contact 856977
11. demo 850677
12. contact1 850020
13. contact123 849888
14. demo123 849673
15. info123 848026