
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 169010078
2.   CN 4606013
3.   NL 2694825
4.   US 2606241
5.   FR 1689372
6.   DE 1218487
7.   CA 1082726
8.   BG 1020362
9.   SG 973925
10.   UA 677969
11.   TR 657236
12.   IN 652544
13.   PL 556839
14.   RU 551714
15.   GB 516524
Most abused passwords
1. default 954257
2. P@55w0rd1 916478
3. Passw0rd 913057
4. Password123 908259
5. noreply 894956
6. password 890820
7. password1 886379
8. administrator 870075
9. info 862501
10. administ 862236
11. asdf1234 859806
12. asdfgh 857781
13. contact 857049
14. demo 850807
15. contact1 850065