
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 162356859
2.   CN 4877536
3.   US 4555218
4.   NL 3092150
5.   SG 1787501
6.   CA 1692708
7.   DE 1070538
8.   IN 751406
9.   RU 731784
10.   FR 654806
11.   BG 535933
12.   GB 367697
13.   BR 363214
14.   KR 355274
15.   VN 345777
Most abused passwords
1. Password1234 894033
2. Pa$$w0rd 887537
3. P@ssw0rd1 874731
4. P@ssw0rd12 874677
5. P@ssw0rd1234 873500
6. qwerty123 868760
7. service 862033
8. qweasdzxc 859294
9. p@ssw0rd 815340
10. Password1! 811806
11. Password123 810278
12. qwerty 807586
13. postmaster 805050
14. postmaster123 801725
15. Password22 799795